Intelligent Futures Trading

About Chick Goslin

Accountant’s Statement

Note from Chick Goslin: Following is a statement from my accountant. I had this prepared some time ago for other purposes (not this Web site). I only include it here for those who feel the need for some kind of "authority" before they will pay attention. For obvious reasons I have blacked out the name and address of my accountant. (I neither want nor need someone to be impolite enough to call and grill my accountant seeking additional information. Hard as it may be to believe, this actually happened when I originally used this statement for prospective attendees of a seminar.)

What I have done in the past is relatively meaningless for your purposes. We trade futures, not pasts. What you should want to know is whether I can help you trade more successfully in the future, not whether I have traded successfully in the past.

View Accountant's Statement as PDF file